#1825 - 4720 Mcclelland Rd, Richmond, BC
Platinum Naturals, Easymulti, 120 Softgels
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#1825 - 4720 Mcclelland Rd, Richmond, BC
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With the complete spectrum of vitamins and minerals, Platinum Naturals EasyMulti® helps you meet your daily nutritional requirements. Multivitamins and minerals are more important today than ever before. Declining nutrient values in fruits and vegetables, combined with increased exposure to pollution and stressors, have seriously diminished the quantity and quality of nutrients in our diet. EasyMulti® contains essential vitamins and minerals, plus a booster of Omega 3 & 6, all in a one-a-day softgel.
Suggested Use
Softgel Ingredient: Gelatin, Glycerin, Purified Water, chlorophyll
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