#1825 - 4720 Mcclelland Rd, Richmond, BC
Bioclinic Naturals, IB Care, Peppermint/Oregano/Caraway Oils, 60 Softgels
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#1825 - 4720 Mcclelland Rd, Richmond, BC
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IB Care contains enterically coated peppermint, oregano, and caraway oils, all shown to have benefits for diverse gastrointestinal disturbances. Peppermint oil is known to influence gastric motility, accelerating early gastric emptying with an antispasmodic effect on the stomach. It also increases the relaxation time of the pyloric valve, decreases the resting pressure of the lower esophageal sphincter, and has benefits when combined with caraway oil, producing smooth muscle relaxation in the stomach and duodenum. Oregano oil has demonstrated antimicrobial effects against H. pylori, the primary cause of peptic ulcer disease and dyspepsia, as well as other GI pathogens.
Clinically, enterically coated preparations of these oils have demonstrated benefits in a number of clinical trials. A meta-analysis of twelve randomized trials with a total of 835 irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients compared the effects of peppermint oil to placebo. Compared to the placebo group, patients taking peppermint oil had significant improvements in both global symptoms and abdominal pain. Improvement has been shown for dyspepsia and symptoms such as pain, heaviness, and abdominal pressure in controlled trials, regardless of H. pylori status, and even in patients with significant epigastric pain. Additionally, enteric-coated peppermint oil demonstrated clinical efficacy in a number of trials for IBS, showing improvement in the majority of participants, and in both children and adults.
- Provides clinically effective amounts of peppermint, caraway, and oregano oils at proven dosages
- Potent amounts of active components: 50% menthol (peppermint), 60% phenol (oregano), and 50% carvone (caraway)
- Enteric coating improves efficacy, allowing for antispasmodic effect in gastric and upper intestinal tissues
- Research confirms that peppermint oil is more effective and better tolerated when protected from stomach acid
- Enteric coating also reduces adverse effects and peppermint taste
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