#1825 - 4720 Mcclelland Rd, Richmond, BC
Salus, Epresat, Multivitamin Liquid, 250ml
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#1825 - 4720 Mcclelland Rd, Richmond, BC
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As we age, certain areas of our health become increasingly important, especially our vision, immune system, and brain function. However, it can be challenging get enough nutrients to support these three key areas of our health from the diet alone.
Epresat is specifically formulated to provide the building blocks our bodies need to for healthy vision, a robust immune system, and to maintain memory and brain function.
Epresat is naturally flavoured with organic fruits and herbs. The liquid formulation is easy to digest and readily absorbed. It is lactose free, vegetarian-friendly and made without preservatives, artificial flavours, or colours.
Combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle, Epresat helps to provide the vitamins we need to support a healthy body and mind as we age.
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You should not use the information or services on this Site to diagnose or treat any health issues or for prescription of any medication or other treatment.
Always check the product label or packaging prior to using any product. If there are discrepancies, customers should follow the information provided on the product label or packaging.