LeafSource, Shilajit with Humic - Fulvic Acid Complex, 120s
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Start Feeling Good Again with Leafsource® Shilajit contains humic fulvic acid complexes. It's is derived from a 100% natural, organic, prehistoric rain forest that existed millions of years ago. LeafSource contains a spectrum of health-boosting, natural organic acids, derived exclusively from ancient fossilized tropical vegetation.
LeafSource® Shilajit delivers all the benefits of traditional Shilajit, without heavy metals or chemicals. The proprietary, water-extracted shilajit with a potency of 70% fulvic acid ensures unmatched purity and potency.
LeafSource® Shilajit contains a rich supply of organic carbon, which is highly available as a nutritional building block for your body’s biological processes, promoting healthy immunity and protecting gut health. It also contains over 70 naturally occurring and organically-bound trace minerals that are vital to a sound and balanced nutritional program.
Research shows that Shilajit humic and fulvic acid can help with:
- Arthritic pain
- Brain health
- Joint problems
- Infalmmatory conditions
- Bone loss
- Immune enhancement
- Fatigue & low energy
- Nutrient absorption
- Increased alkalinity
- Healthy digestive system
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